Our Allotment

We wanted to create a wellness  allotment where families and their children can come together to provide

food resources and learning opportunities linked to the curriculum for the children. We want to be able to

 provide the highest quality outdoor learning and teaching environment for the greater wellbeing of all our pupils, as well as delivering

an outstanding immersive educational curriculum.

Objectives for the Project

  • An outdoor classroom which will meet the National and Early Years curriculum requirements and extend our pupils knowledge, practical skills and understanding in an outdoor setting.
  • Our caterers provide our children with the most nutritious and best tasting meals cooked from fresh ingredients. Maintaining our own allotment would mean that we can tailor our menu to determine what we grow as well as providing fresh fruit and vegetables for the children.
  • The allotment will allow the children to grow and cook their own ingredients for Design and Technology lessons. This will support and improve their food knowledge as well as encourage them to become aware of the importance of knowing where your organic food comes from.
  • Provide sustainability understanding and appreciation by encouraging the use of food waste for composting and in so doing teaching them the importance of worms and other organisms required for this process.
  • We envisage a gardening skills afterschool club which will have links to the school values and Healthy Schools initiative.
  • An aspect of the allotment will include herbs and edible greens as well as an ‘open’ digging area for those children who would benefit from ‘mindfulness’ and sensory activities outside of the classroom.
  • Establishing our Allotment

We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully built an allotment and utilised the space to create gardening, relaxing and teaching and learning spaces.

This project was made possible with the generous grants from Tesco and Co-op, and we are incredibly grateful for their support.

We are excited to continue developing and improving the space, fostering a vibrant community hub for all to enjoy.

The children  often spend their break times watering and weeding the gardens.

The children are enjoying the gazebo with our new large cushions.

We held a very successful bake sale to purchase cushions, hoses, plants, soil and sheds for storage.